
Street address Postal address
Level 7, 255 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000
GPO Box 500
Sydney NSW 2001
Telephone numbers Fax
02 8281 5999 (Australia)
+ 61 2 8281 5999 (overseas)
1800 463 909 (Toll Free)
02 9264 5364
National Relay Service (NRS)

NRS Speak and Listen telephone 1300 555 727 and ask for 02 8281 5999
NRS internet relay

[email protected]

Office hours

The NSW ICAC premises are located at 255 Elizabeth Street, Sydney. In the interests of operating as a COVID-safe workplace, the Commission encourages general contact to be made via telephone, email or the forms on this website rather than in person.

The Commission can be contacted during business hours (9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday) at the numbers listed above.

Corruption complaints and enquiries

Enquiries and reports regarding suspected corrupt conduct can be made to the ICAC by:

•    online (the ICAC's preferred contact method) by clicking on this link
•    email at [email protected]
•    telephone on 02 8281 5999 or toll free on 1800 463 909 (callers outside Sydney) between 9 am and 3 pm, Monday to Friday)
•    writing to GPO Box 500 Sydney NSW 2001 or faxing 02 9264 5364

More information about reporting suspected corruption can be viewed here.


17 934 402 440

Send us a question or feedback

Please use this form to send comments or questions regarding the ICAC. We will respond to your message as soon as possible. To report corruption go to ICAC's Online Corruption Report Form.

Preferred method of contact
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